Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Beginning

A New Beginning.

My husband and I sit down every year the end of December and write out our goals for the coming year. Instead of resolutions, we concentrate on moving forward, accomplishing tasks big and small that will give us a sense of fulfillment. A purpose for being here. For the past two years, "start food blog" has been on my list...and for the past two years it has repeatedly been carried over to the new list, followed by my laundry list of excuses as to why I did not get it started, "I didn't have time", "We just got a new puppy", "I don't have a good camera to take pictures", and on, and on.

So, 2011 is my year. A New Beginning. I have to do this. I spend so much of my life cooking, experimenting, entertaining, shopping, gifting, and planning that I need to share it. I am constantly thinking of food, and revel in all the things food does for us. Food brings us together. It nourishes us. It makes us happy. Food is love.

I hope you find my recipes and ideas useful, simple, but, most of all, fun. I look forward to sharing a little piece of my life with you right here on these pages.

Here's to 2011, A New Beginning, however you do it.



  1. how fun this year will be! congratulations and thanks for sharing, i am drooling in anticipation! eld

  2. I can't wait to follow "A Toast to Taste" so many great ideas from Aanya day or night! Cheers!


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